Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated on the fourth day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada every year, which falls in August or September. Ganesh chaturthi this year is celebrated on 1st September 2011. It is also known as “vinayaka chaturthi” in south Indian states. Ganesh chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of lord ganesha, the son of shiva and parvati. It is an important festival of maharastra, celebrated grandly in other parts of India also. Ganesh chaturthi starts with installation of these ganesh statues in colorfully decorated at homes, and the celebration ends with the immersion of the ganesha`s idol into the water.
Birth of Ganesha
There are many stories in Hindu mythology, associated with the birth of this elephant-headed god, whose vehicle is a mouse, Parvathi created Ganesha with sandalwood dough that she used for her bath and breathed life into him. And made him stand as guard at the door and went to have her bath. When her husband, Shiva returned, the child who had never seen him before, Stopped him to not to enter inside. Shiva severed the head of the child and entered his house. Parvathi, after knowing that her son was dead she was distraught and asked Shiva to revive him. Shiva cut off the head of an elephant and fixed it on the body of Ganesha.
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations
Ganapati is considered a symbol of Wisdom and bringer of good luck, he his worshipped when any new event is started. This festival is celebrated for ten days. First day starts with Chaturthi which is the birthday of lord Ganesha. Ganesha statues are prepared with clay by sculptors round the year for this festival. There are public pandals/shows where big Ganpati idols are brought and people also bring small idols to their homes. On this day people clean their home and decorate with flowers, they worship for ten days this idol twice daily in the morning and evening. They offer flowers and sweets as offerings to the Ganesha idol. Sweets like modak and laddu are made especially for Lord Ganesha.
In the streets people install ganesh idol by collecting funds and decorate with flowers and lights public celebrations. They organize various events and all most of the people participate enthusiastically and enjoys a lot, the lost day i.e. 11th day the immersion day. The 11th day also called as Ganesh Visarjan the idols of lord Ganesha are immersed in the rivers and seas, on this day, everyone take their Ganesha idols for immersing Ganpathi by shouting " Ganpati Bappa Morya, pudchya varshi lavkar ya" which means "Hail Lord Ganesha, come back early next year."
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